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Tuesday 18 February 2014

10th year reunion...

Time pergi reunion ni dah lepas dekat sebulan dah, tapi baru nak post kat sini...almaklumlah i'm always occupied with other things, work and on call.. but anyway i'm really enjoyed the reunion. Date was on the 25th and 26th January 2014... 

even though it is short, but we're able to make an unforgettable memories. Masa ni la we all reminiscence the memory masa tgh naughty2 dulu. Tapi I ni tak la naughty pun dulu...bila sampai je member ingat aku sbg budak nerd...dok kat kelas tempat plg depan sekali ngn whiteboard...

After that main sports, barbeque dinner...and including ladies talk sampai pagi..huhu...memang terbaik la...
Gambar time innocent dulu..huhu

ada jugak a few teachers yg still teaching kat sini

Our dewan selera

Asrama Puteri...tgk dr jauh je sebab x sempat nak masuk

try improvise balik seating arrangement..huhu tp ada yg salah jugak :)

All friends yg sempat attend...nampak sgt semua dak mcm uncles and aunties..ada jugak la yg perut maju ke depan..hehehehe
Shot sebelum start sport tournament ngn students

Tu je la....see ya next time!!!! now time to enjoy this song..

Sunday 5 January 2014

Jalan-jalan :)

Holiday with family at the end of the year
Sekali sekala jalan-jalan dengan family best jugak
dah lama tak pergi bercuti

Initially plan nak ke Langkawi.. akhirnya kita yang rancang 
Tapi Allah yang tentukan
Last-last ke Bagan Lalang perginye..

RPP Morib tempat menginap kami

Sempat posing la pulak kat chess board ni..tapi si kecik tu sibuk jugak nak pose..

Monday 31 December 2012

The end is the beginning

As i'm writing this post, it is on new year's eve. We're going from 2012 to 2013 in 1 hour and 45 minutes. And ironically this is my first ever post at the ending of 2012 to the beginning of 2013. Is it too late?? 

My thoughts at the end of year, is about new resolution.. My resolution in 2012 is to become a better person than I was..finishing my internship succesfully. Haha.. well it is absolutely already happenned. I finished it on May 2012, my 2 years of bittersweet memory. I made new friends at a new place in Seremban. And also some painful memory. 

In 2012 also I lost one most significant person in my life.  How I wished I can hear him call my name and tease me..My late father. How he raised me to be a doctor and who I am now...T_T.... the date is 11.9.2012. 

The second half of 2012 is the starts of my new life in the new place..Gaining more responsibility, as MO..huhu. Nervous breakdown strikes me whenever I think of it. From one department which I think quite relaxing, but sometimes I feel stagnant and time passes slowly..and I think I need to move on. So I ended up choosing to be close to the 'little people'. And that all happens at the end of 2012.

Starting 2013, I want to be successful in my work, as well as family. Be a good daughter to my mom (that is priority 1) and meet my other half..^_^

As the title of this post..the end is the beginning. Insyaallah..

P/S: Starting my new year tomorrow with on-call. Let's pray everything went well. Jason Mraz song above is my fave song of the year..